So, I guess I should start from the beginning of it all. We found out shortly into the new year. It was quit the surprise!!!! I wasn't to sure on my dates, so I did an ultrasound on February 2nd. I figured I was about 12 weeks around then. That ultrasound was so painful!!!!! I don't know if it gets worse ever time, but I could barely walk into the ultrasound office without peeing my pants!!!! It didn't help that they were running behind schedule either!!! It is not the easiest thing to go pee for four seconds and then stop when you have the fullest bladder ever. I had to do this twice before it was my turn. Oh the joy!!!!! Anyways, once that was over I let out a big sigh of relief!!! The doctor told me a few days later at my appointment that I was due about august 27th, which wasn't to far off from when I thought I would be due.
We decided to tell family a few weeks later. We have always tried to tell them in a sort of creative way so we put our thinking caps on. Since Valentines day was coming up we thought that would be a great way to tell them. We took this ultrasound picture,
and made it into this!!!!!!!
I did my next ultrasound April 1st. We had just barely told the kids a few days before that we were going to have a baby. I didn't want to tell Britlynn to early because at that age I figured she would tell everyone, and anyone!!!!! She was very excited, and of course would not stop asking if it was going to be a girl!!! We told her she would have to wait a few days, and then hopefully we could find out.
So this time I was smart. I thought if the last time was so painful, there was no way I was going to drink all 32 ounces of water. I only drank 24 ounces and it was the most comfortable I have ever been at an ultrasound. You think by my fourth kid I would have learned, but I always felt like they would have some sort of radar that would go off if I didn't drink the full amount. I guess I'm just to honest, and didn't want to lie when they asked if I drank all the water!!!! The ultrasound tech kept asking if I was ok, and for once I could say yes!!!! At the end of it all I still had to tell her that I didn't drink the full amount. She didn't get mad at me though, and no alarm went off!!!! She just said, well you know your body best!!!! That made me feel better!!!!
Anyways, once the ultrasound tech had done everything she needed to she went and got Dave and all the kids. They came in and we all got to see the baby in 4D. It was pretty cool. You could see all the babies movements, and even the mouth opening and closing. Britlynn of course asked the lady if it was a girl, and she told us.....YES!!!!!!!!!! I was so excited, not necessarily for me but for Britlynn. I just didn't want to see the sad look she would of had if they said it was a boy!!! I love my boys, but Britlynn has been asking for a girl baby forever. I'm glad that it is coming true!!! Cohen enjoyed seeing the baby too!!! He said that there was a baby playing in my stomach, and he though it was silly. Steele just pointed at the screen and made dog noises, so I hope he doesn't think were getting a dog!!!!! It was a very neat experience, and I'm glad we could all be there to see it!!! I have put one of the 4D videos from the ultrasound for people to look at. Now, just a warning that it may look a little scary, or alien like, but I'm sure our baby is beautiful!!!!! I found if you paused the video at different points it was easier to see what the baby really looks like!!!!
Now, it didn't take Britlynn long to start telling people. That evening when we got home our neighbour was looking for their lost dog. We looked around a little to help but didn't see her. A few minutes later they came to our door to tell us they had found her. Britlynn came to the door and told our neighbour that she was going to have a girl baby, so it was out!!!!!! She is so cute!!! I guess it was ok for people to start finding out since I was already 19 weeks, and know one knew except family. I don't know why but I usually wait as long as I can to tell others!!!!
The next day Britlynn went to a friends house for a tea party, and didn't even say Hi, she just ran in the door and told her friend she was having a girl baby!!! The parents gave Dave a weird look, and asked if it was true. What a cute little girl!!! It is so fun to see her sooooooo excited and wanting to tell everyone. This has happened several times since then, and now most people know, but there is still the odd person that doesn't!!!! It is always an exciting time to prepare for a new baby!!!
Well, there you have it!!!!! We are very excited and can't wait to welcome this new little baby into our family!!!!! Things are going well, and we are all preparing for this little one to come!!!!
- Tracy
Loved the video! Thanks for sharing, was wondering when the next update was coming. So sorry your ultra sound was painful- for some reason my doctor's office has never requested me to drink any water for my ultra sounds (i've had five so far) and they all went great. We are so excited for Britlynn and for our girls to have another little girl cousin!
ReplyDeleteWhen i told my roomie about the 4D ultrasounds she was so confused as how anything can be 4D when we only live in a 3D world - now ill have to show her this video - pretty cool!!
ReplyDeleteIm excited for u guys!!