The kids loved going skating, and Steele loved being pulled around on the sled!!!! Britlynn did quite well on her own, but for Cohen this was his first time. He was so funny!!! He wanted you to hold his hand and basically pull him around. After a few minutes of that it was pretty exhausting!!! After being out on the ice for about 40 minutes everyone was ready to go home and have some hot chocolate to warm up!!!!!

Cohen and Steele would take any chance that they could get to play out in the snow. Cohen would often help my shovel the drive way. They both loved being outside, and often times Steele would bring me his boots and point to the door!!! He was a little unsure of the snow at first, but once he got a shovel in his hands, he didn't want to come inside!!! They are both so cute, and I love being able to watch them enjoy such simple things!!! It's very entertaining!!!!
Cohen and Steele would take any chance that they could get to play out in the snow. Cohen would often help my shovel the drive way. They both loved being outside, and often times Steele would bring me his boots and point to the door!!! He was a little unsure of the snow at first, but once he got a shovel in his hands, he didn't want to come inside!!! They are both so cute, and I love being able to watch them enjoy such simple things!!! It's very entertaining!!!!
I went to Britlynn's school and volunteered for one of their skating days. It was so fun to help them get all there gear on and off, and to watch them all attempt to skate!!! There were, of course, a few kids that you could tell had been skating since they could walk, but most of them were just new to it. Britlynn did pretty good, but by the end spent most of her time crawling around on her knees, or sitting on her bum!!!!! She really enjoyed the experienced, and although at times it was hard, I think it helped her skating skills.
Sorry for the picture overload but, we had a great time enjoying winter, and now it is gone!!!! Most of the snow is melted, and hopefully we don't see to much more of the white stuff!!!! Yesterday was officially the first day of spring. Good bye winter fun, we will see you next year. Welcome beautiful spring, I can't wait to see what fun adventures, and warm weather you have in store!!!!!!
Sorry for the picture overload but, we had a great time enjoying winter, and now it is gone!!!! Most of the snow is melted, and hopefully we don't see to much more of the white stuff!!!! Yesterday was officially the first day of spring. Good bye winter fun, we will see you next year. Welcome beautiful spring, I can't wait to see what fun adventures, and warm weather you have in store!!!!!!
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