Steele is getting to be such a big boy!!!! He really wants to do everything himself. Alot of the time this causes screaming, and frustration. If he see's the older kids having some sort of snack, then he wants one too!!! If it is something with a wrapper he doaesn't want you to help him, but ofcouse he can't get it open himself. Between the two of us it will eventually get open. It's so funny to watch because he tries so hard, and you just want to help him, but that just makes him more upset!!! He also does this with getting dresses, and reading books, and eating!!!! I guess pretty much most things. Now if he would only do this when it come to changing his diaper!!!!!!! Maybe not, that would make for a big, gross mess!!!!
Speaking of messes, that is the one thing that I try to avoid when it comes to kids eating. I know that they have to learn, but why make more work for your self?? Steele has been pretty good at letting me help, but not anymore. All my kids have hated to were bibs, and therefore the options are undress them to eat, or get all the clothes dirty. If it is going to be something really messy then the clothes come off, but for the most part they can get away with keeping their clothes on, and not getting to dirty!!!
Anyways, her are some pictures of Steele eating all by himself, and making somewhat of a mess. Doesn't he look so cute!!!!! I'm sure he is so proud of himself!!! My baby is growing up, where does the time go????

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