Dave has always had a passion for Lamborghini's, and therefore had to get a picture of one. Someday I hope he can have one of his own to drive!!!!! It's good to have a dream, something to work towards!!! Good luck with that!! I would never drive it, but it would be fun to go for a ride!! Here's to the future, may it be full of surprises!!!!!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Calgary Auto Show
Two weeks ago we went to the Calgary Auto Show. I knew the boys would love the idea, but I wasn't sure if Britlynn would want to go. So I gave her two choices: #1. We all go to the auto show and look at vehicles, or #2. All the boys go to the auto show, and her and I could go to the movie theatre to watch the frog princess. She very excitedly choose the auto show. I was a little shocked!!!!! I had to make sure that she understood what exactly we were going to do, and she totally did, so we all went, and had a great time. The kids LOVED crawling in and out of as many cars as they could. I'm sure all the vendors weren't super impressed, but oh well, they were there to look at right??? The kids were just seeing if the vehicles were kid friendly!!!!! There were a lot of pretty fancy cars that hopefully someday we may own one!!!!!! Here are a few pictures of all the events of the night.
The three little monkeys climbing all over the inside of this car!!! They didn't want to get out, we could have left them there all night!!!!
Britlynn taking Steele for a little cruise down the street. Cohen had to have his turn too!!! After they each had there turn Britlynn jumped back in, and practically ran over Cohen!! That put an end to that toy car ride for all the other kids!!! Sorry!!!!
Cohen loved the section with all the big semi and delivery trucks. This boy is obsessed with any type of big truck or machinery. It is very cute. He knows the names of them all to. If you call a piece of machinery by the wrong name, he will let you know!!!! 
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Winter Time!!!
When winter comes you are always sad to see the warm weather go, but there is lots of good that winter brings!!! Sledding, skiing, skating, snowmen, snow angels, and hot chocolate!!!! We have got out the odd time to enjoy some winter activities, but not as much as we would like. Sometimes it just seems like life gets to busy, and fun things get put aside. Another reason is sometimes it is just to COLD!!! Despite all this,we finally made it to our new community center to check out the great outdoor rink, I took the boys out in the back yard a few times to dig around in the snow, and Britlynn did participate in a learn to skate program at school!!!!! A fun time was had by all!!!! Here are some pictures of all these great winter activities!!!!!!

The kids loved going skating, and Steele loved being pulled around on the sled!!!! Britlynn did quite well on her own, but for Cohen this was his first time. He was so funny!!! He wanted you to hold his hand and basically pull him around. After a few minutes of that it was pretty exhausting!!! After being out on the ice for about 40 minutes everyone was ready to go home and have some hot chocolate to warm up!!!!!

Cohen and Steele would take any chance that they could get to play out in the snow. Cohen would often help my shovel the drive way. They both loved being outside, and often times Steele would bring me his boots and point to the door!!! He was a little unsure of the snow at first, but once he got a shovel in his hands, he didn't want to come inside!!! They are both so cute, and I love being able to watch them enjoy such simple things!!! It's very entertaining!!!!
Cohen and Steele would take any chance that they could get to play out in the snow. Cohen would often help my shovel the drive way. They both loved being outside, and often times Steele would bring me his boots and point to the door!!! He was a little unsure of the snow at first, but once he got a shovel in his hands, he didn't want to come inside!!! They are both so cute, and I love being able to watch them enjoy such simple things!!! It's very entertaining!!!!
I went to Britlynn's school and volunteered for one of their skating days. It was so fun to help them get all there gear on and off, and to watch them all attempt to skate!!! There were, of course, a few kids that you could tell had been skating since they could walk, but most of them were just new to it. Britlynn did pretty good, but by the end spent most of her time crawling around on her knees, or sitting on her bum!!!!! She really enjoyed the experienced, and although at times it was hard, I think it helped her skating skills.
Sorry for the picture overload but, we had a great time enjoying winter, and now it is gone!!!! Most of the snow is melted, and hopefully we don't see to much more of the white stuff!!!! Yesterday was officially the first day of spring. Good bye winter fun, we will see you next year. Welcome beautiful spring, I can't wait to see what fun adventures, and warm weather you have in store!!!!!!
Sorry for the picture overload but, we had a great time enjoying winter, and now it is gone!!!! Most of the snow is melted, and hopefully we don't see to much more of the white stuff!!!! Yesterday was officially the first day of spring. Good bye winter fun, we will see you next year. Welcome beautiful spring, I can't wait to see what fun adventures, and warm weather you have in store!!!!!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Mr. Independant
Steele is getting to be such a big boy!!!! He really wants to do everything himself. Alot of the time this causes screaming, and frustration. If he see's the older kids having some sort of snack, then he wants one too!!! If it is something with a wrapper he doaesn't want you to help him, but ofcouse he can't get it open himself. Between the two of us it will eventually get open. It's so funny to watch because he tries so hard, and you just want to help him, but that just makes him more upset!!! He also does this with getting dresses, and reading books, and eating!!!! I guess pretty much most things. Now if he would only do this when it come to changing his diaper!!!!!!! Maybe not, that would make for a big, gross mess!!!!
Speaking of messes, that is the one thing that I try to avoid when it comes to kids eating. I know that they have to learn, but why make more work for your self?? Steele has been pretty good at letting me help, but not anymore. All my kids have hated to were bibs, and therefore the options are undress them to eat, or get all the clothes dirty. If it is going to be something really messy then the clothes come off, but for the most part they can get away with keeping their clothes on, and not getting to dirty!!!
Anyways, her are some pictures of Steele eating all by himself, and making somewhat of a mess. Doesn't he look so cute!!!!! I'm sure he is so proud of himself!!! My baby is growing up, where does the time go????

Speaking of messes, that is the one thing that I try to avoid when it comes to kids eating. I know that they have to learn, but why make more work for your self?? Steele has been pretty good at letting me help, but not anymore. All my kids have hated to were bibs, and therefore the options are undress them to eat, or get all the clothes dirty. If it is going to be something really messy then the clothes come off, but for the most part they can get away with keeping their clothes on, and not getting to dirty!!!
Anyways, her are some pictures of Steele eating all by himself, and making somewhat of a mess. Doesn't he look so cute!!!!! I'm sure he is so proud of himself!!! My baby is growing up, where does the time go????
Valentines Day!!!
We had a great Valentines day this year. It was on a sunday, so Britlynn handed her Valentines out on the Wednesday, because she got the Thursday and Friday off. We love to do baking together, so we decide to make cookies for all her classmates. She is in a classroom that has two classes combined in one room. That meant more cookies!!! We made about 40 of these for her friends, and ofcourse made extra for us to munch on!!!!!

Britlynn was so excited to hand out her Valentines. She received a big bag full of Valetines, and treats which she brought home from school. It was alot of fun, and I loved being able to spend time with her making cookies, and taking them to her class!!!

On the Sunday we ofcourse went to church, and then after that we went out to Canmore to Dave's parents time share. It was nice to go out to the mountains, and spend time with family. We went swimming , relaxed, watched movies, and played games. It was a quick little over night trip, but the kids had a fun time.
Britlynn was so excited to hand out her Valentines. She received a big bag full of Valetines, and treats which she brought home from school. It was alot of fun, and I loved being able to spend time with her making cookies, and taking them to her class!!!
On the Sunday we ofcourse went to church, and then after that we went out to Canmore to Dave's parents time share. It was nice to go out to the mountains, and spend time with family. We went swimming , relaxed, watched movies, and played games. It was a quick little over night trip, but the kids had a fun time.
I'm not good at this!!!
Wow, has more then a month gone by, and I have wrote NOTHING!!!!! Opppps!!!! There have been lots of things that have happened, but I just haven't wrote anything on here to keep record. I think I could be good at doing this, I just need to get in the habit!!!!! So my plan is to do a bunch of posts, and get caught up, and then I will try to stay on top of things!!!! Sounds good right???? I guess we will see, hopefully this works!!!!!
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