So it has been awhile since I have posted anything on this blog, and way to much has happened. We are all well, and have been having a great summer!!!! Since it would take forever to write about everything we have done, I figure a bunch of pictures will suffice!!!!! So here you go, picture overload!!!!!
Ballet Class
Family Reunion
Swimming Lessons
Calgary Zoo
Calaway Park

Camping at Cypress Hills with the Poettcker Clan
Camping at Little Bow
So there you go, those were just a few things we have done with our summer!!!! After all that, and more I think this picture says it all!!!!!!!
Now we are down to our last few days of summer before school start, and we have baby #4!!!!!! What a great way to end our summer, and to start the new school year off!!!!! The kids are very excited, and can't wait for this baby to come. Friday is the due date, so I guess we will see if this baby comes sooner then later!!!! Does anyone have any guesses of when she will come?
Anyways, I hope you all had a great summer, we sure did!!!!! What do you do in the summer time???