Well, I guess it has been a month and a half since I last posted something on here. It's not that nothing has happened in that time. I guess life is just busy, and I just haven't found the time to write about all the things that have happened.
So where to start, well we have spent a lot of time taking Britlynn and Cohen to soccer. Britlynn plays twice a week, and Cohen once. The weather hasn't been the best, so they have probably missed almost half their games because of rain or snow. Britlynn went tonight, and had to end early because of rain. She wasn't to happy. She hasn't been doing to bad this year with soccer, except I think she is a little more passive then last year. If the ball gets taken from her she doesn't try to get it back, instead she runs toward the goal to block the other team. She could save herself a lot of running if she would just take the ball back. Oh well, at least she is having fun!! Maybe she is just meant to be a goalie!!! As for Cohen, he is so hit and miss. One week he will totally be all about playing, and will kick the ball around pretty good. Then the next week we can't even get him onto the field. At least it isn't just him. Most of his teammates play the same trick. One week pretty much every kid was crying, and didn't want to be there, and the parents were forcefully dragging them around on the field. It was pretty funny!!! I'm sure next year will be different, and he will be a little more into it!!!
Here are a few pictures of the kids in action.
Cohen stopping the ball!!!
The spectators, who surprisingly are sitting for this picture!!! Most of Britlynn's games we spend getting one of the boys off the playing field!!!
What else have we been up to.....well, we made a few weekend trips up to Edmonton to get our house ready to sell. We painted most of the upstairs, and tried to make it presentable to potential buyers. It was impossible to get any yard work done thought. Both weekends that we went up it was either pouring rain, or snowing!!! So the yard got left looking like a jungle. Luckily my sister who lives up there was finally able to mow it, but she said it was a nightmare!!!!! So it is finally listed, and fingers crossed, we hope it sells. It was a great rental property, but it was just to hard to manage being three hours away!!! Anyone want to buy a house in Edmonton???????

What else..... Well, I turned 28!!!! It was really just another day, except for the fact that it snowed!!!! Snow at the end of may isn't that usual, but it does happen!! Dave ended up getting stuck downtown because of the weather, and got home late. We were going to go out with the kids, but didn't really have time because Dave had a bishopric meeting that night too!! So I don't have any pictures from my birthday. I didn't even have a cake. Poor me!!!!!
Dave and I also celebrated our 9th anniversary!!!!! Once again we really didn't do much. It was a Tuesday night, and Britlynn had a soccer game. It also wouldn't have been the easiest to find a babysitter with mutual going on. So we went out for ice cream with the kids after soccer and that was the big celebration!!! I can't believe that it has already been 9 years. A lot has happened in that time, and I am just so grateful that I have got to spend it all with Dave. He is the greatest guy and I couldn't imagine my life without him. Next year will be the big 10 year mark, so we will definitely have to do something a little more special for that!!!!
Well I guess that is basically what we have been up to!! I'm sure things may slow down a little once Britlynn is done school, but maybe not. We have quite a few trips planned for the summer, and with a baby coming at the end of summer break, I'm sure it will seem crazy!! I'm just going to try to enjoy each day as it comes, and make the best of all the time I have to spend with my wonderful family!!!!
Well I guess that is basically what we have been up to!! I'm sure things may slow down a little once Britlynn is done school, but maybe not. We have quite a few trips planned for the summer, and with a baby coming at the end of summer break, I'm sure it will seem crazy!! I'm just going to try to enjoy each day as it comes, and make the best of all the time I have to spend with my wonderful family!!!!