So many eventful things happen, and a lot of the time are not recorded. I don't want to miss out on the rest of our life and the memories that are waiting to happen, and be remembered!!!! What is a person without their memories anyways???? Our memories define use and who we are, and what we have been through!!! Who doesn't love to sit around and talk of old memories? I always think it is very interesting to talk to other individuals and hear memories from their past. It is so easy to just think of a person in the time that you know them, but really that person has a lifetime of memories from when you didn't know them!!!! Most of the time our memories are joyful positive life experience, and when they aren't, we can take those memories, learn from them, make a change, and improve ourselves for the future!!!! Our memories so often can be used to help others, too!!!!!!! How often do we seek others for help, or advice, and they will reflect on their memories to relate to your situation. Isn't this what life is all about??? I love memories!!!!!!
So as a start to this blog, I post our recent family picture. Just from looking at this picture it brings back so many memories. We traveled down to Lethbridge for the picture, wanted to do them outside, and the day before it snowed!!! So inside it was. We did them in the Lethbridge lodge. The photographer was great, my kids well they were kids!!!! Cohen had a magnetic fishing line that he played with half the time, and it didn't help that there was water for him to fish in. It was so cute, but didn't help him want to stay put for a picture. I ending up having to hold him, and when he is such a big boy, it made me look a little silly. The other kids did great. I'm glad that we were able to get these pictures, and have these memories from them. What can I learn from these memories?? Don't put off family pictures, so then I don't have to fight with the weather, and pick a location where the kids won't be totally distracted. I love having these picture to look back at, and the great memories of spending time with my beautiful family.

I hope that I can stay committed to this blog, and more importantly, recording the memories of my family!!!! So, sit back, relax, and enjoy our Mulholland Memories!!!!
- Tracy